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The annual "Best in Broadcasting" awards program allows our broadcasters to strut their stuff with other broadcasters!


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Over the years, the ISBA has always taken pride in inducting broadcasters into a very special segment called the Lifetime Achievement Award.  There has been some remarkable Idahoans inducted over the years, and this year is no exception!  Welcome Art Gregory
This year’s recipient has had a long and storied career in broadcasting.  He started his career in broadcasting in 1970 at the age of 17, on air at KEST 790 AM.  He spent six years in the programming side of the industry.  In 1976, he moved into sales, becoming a sale manager and eventually a general manager of KUUZ.  His career took him to Wyoming where he had part ownership in a station and then eventually back to Boise to be GM and Sales Manager for KHEZ.
In 1992, his broadcasting career to a new path.  One of his clients was Jim Zamzow.  He was writing and producing all of Zamzows commercials.  This led him to start his own agency where he formed a partnership with Zamzows.  Thirty-one years later he is still writing and producing all of Zamzows commercials.
Even though his career path deviated, he is still very much a part of broadcasting, his passion for broadcasting runs deep, so much so that he created the History of Idaho Broadcasting Foundation, a non-profit solely committed to  preserving and maintaining the history of both radio and television broadcasting in Idaho.  He has amassed a collection of broadcast equipment and memorabilia.  He was also able to raise enough money through the foundation to purchase a building in Nampa that was previously home to a radio station and is now the permanent home of the History of Idaho Broadcast Foundation.
He is also the recipient of the Idaho Advertising Federation Silver Medal Award.  He has truely committed his life to broadcasting.
This year’s recipient of the Idaho State Broadcasters Association Lifetime Achievement Award is Art Gregory.
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